RSVPWe look forward to seeing you! Please fill out form below by May 1, 2024. Julia & Nick’s Wedding Name * First Name Last Name Email * Will you be attending the Welcome Dinner - June 7th? * Yes No Will you require bus transportation to the Welcome Dinner? * For the Welcome Dinner we have a bus that can accommodate 18 passengers. Please let us know if you will need a ride to/from. Yes No Will you be attending the Ceremony/Reception - June 8th? * Bus transportation to be provided for anyone at Bodega Cove, Woodstone Manor, Oceanfront Inn or an Airbnb. Yes No Will you be attending the Recovery Breakfast - June 9th? * Yes No Names of Guests in your Party Where are your accommodations? (required for transportation planning) Any allergies or food restrictions? * Questions, Comments or Song Requests Thank you! We cannot wait for the celebrations to begin!